- 09 Mar, 2024
- Real estate, Urban Regeneration
Within the Darsena (the dock area), connecting Old Port, Old Town, Maritime Station and some of the main logistic hubs, a sustainable urban regeneration of two ancient buildings, Tabarca and Metelino, is planned. They will become polyfunctional spaces, improving the area and linking various parts of the city. The regeneration of the site will extend pedestrian and cycle paths for a sustainable mobility, offering new meeting points to students.
- 07 Set, 2021
- Urban Regeneration
Within the Darsena (the dock area), connecting Old Port, Old Town, Maritime Station and some of the main logistic hubs, a sustainable urban regeneration of two ancient buildings, Tabarca and Metelino, is planned. They will become polyfunctional spaces, improving the area and linking various parts of the city. The regeneration of the site will extend pedestrian and cycle paths for a sustainable mobility, offering new meeting points to students.
- 03 Set, 2021
- Real estate, Urban Regeneration
Nell’ambito dell’area della Darsena, punto strategico di connessione tra Porto Antico, Centro Storico, Stazione Marittima ed alcuni dei principali snodi logistici della città è prevista la riqualificazione sostenibile di due palazzi adiacenti al Museo del Mare, Tabarca e Metelino, i quali verranno adibiti a nuovi spazi polifunzionali che riqualificheranno la zona e connetteranno il centro storico con la zona della Darsena.
- 01 Set, 2021
- MIPIM 24, Urban Regeneration
- 27 Ago, 2021
- Urban Regeneration
Renzo Piano draw the Eastern Waterfront project, turning the former exhibition halls into a lively seaside urban area for public and private use. A real Sea City will emerge in the 100.000 sqm, connecting Genova, through pedestrian and bike paths, to its natural maritime boundary.
The development includes a new blue infrastructure, a nautical district, a renewed sport centre, an urban park, residential buildings, services, leisure, student housing, commercial areas, and hotels.
- 27 Ago, 2021
- Real estate, Urban Regeneration
The complex, built at the beginning of the 19th century, historically precedes the birth of the Lagaccio district, one of the most urbanized and populated areas of the city. After the acquisition by the Municipality, the UNaLab Eu project, in collaboration with LAND, has planned the creation of a new urban park for the community.
New green areas and gathering spaces strengthen the relationship with the upper part of the neighborhood. The NBS solutions adopted increased the climate resilience of this area.
- 10 Ago, 2021
- Urban Regeneration
An authentic symbol of Genoa, fascinating, liveable, safe and clean: this is the final goal of the Historic Centre "Caruggi" Plan, the integrated project for the enhancement and regeneration of the historical centre of Genoa launched in November 2020.
A total of 184 actions are planned across the 10 operational axes, distributed over the three “sestieri” (Prè, Molo and Maddalena) and articulated into projects focused on:
- 06 Ago, 2021
- Urban Regeneration
A “new Genoa” is taking shape. Chosen by UNESCO as one of the best renewal projects launched in 2020 anywhere in the world, in terms of image and substance the “Polcevera Park and the Red Circle” Masterplan is one of the most evident symbols of the process.
- 30 Lug, 2021
- MIPIM 24, Urban Regeneration
L'ex silos Hennebique, risalente al 1901, è considerato uno dei più suggestivi e monumentali edifici in cemento armato del XX secolo. Situato in posizione strategica sul lungomare di Genova, nel cuore del vivace Porto Antico, Hennebique si affaccia sia sul mare che sul centro storico della città ed è adiacente al Terminal Crociere e Traghetti e a pochi passi dalla Stazione Ferroviaria Internazionale di Piazza Principe.
- 29 Lug, 2021
- Urban Regeneration
Il progetto del Waterfront di Levante, ideato e donato alla città dall’architetto Renzo Piano, sta cambiando il volto dell’ex fiera di Genova ed entro il 2023 restituirà un affaccio marittimo alla città creando un nuovo quartiere urbano, uno spazio vivo, rigenerato e fruibile per tutti i cittadini, connesso al tessuto urbano da percorsi pedonali e ciclabili.